Rent Your Unit!
Complete this form to register unit 73, 10' * 12' ($225.00/mo +tax)
Once you have successfully completed registration, we will send you off to PayPal to remit the current balance due upon signing today:
Administrative Fee: $25 +$1.59 tax
First months rent: $128.57 + $8.16 tax prorated for the balance of February
Security deposit: $225.00 (1 months rental), not subject to tax
Total: $388.32
Starting on the 1st of March we will automatically charge your card for $225.00 (+ $14.29 tax) for as long as you choose to stay with us, per the terms of the Rental Agreement. Please be sure to review the terms of this agreement before proceeding.
PLEASE NOTE: We will be sending you an email confirmation of your agreement, as well as access information for your new unit and a map with your unit circled. If you do not see the email (it should arrive almost immediately) BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER!